There are lots of great reasons to obtain a Ventura College student ID card. Here are just a few of the perks students with ID cards can take advantage of when on campus:
Discounts for VC Theatre Arts performances
Students receive discount prices to plays, dances, and other events at the VC Performing Arts Center. For more information about upcoming shows, visit the Performing Arts Website.
Free Admission to VC Athletic Events
As a VC student, you can support any of our 19 intercollegiate sports teams at their home games, matches, or races for free when you show your VC ID card at the entrance. Visit the VC Athletics Webpage to learn more about VC sports teams and to see their calendars.
Having An VC ID Card Makes It Easier To Sell Back Your Textbooks
The VC Barnes & Noble bookstore requires that students present an ID that also includes their 900- number (VC-issued student identification number) to sell your textbooks back. A VC student ID card has all the identifying information needed to sell your used textbooks back to the school.